Sinful Boss by Delaney Carolyn

Sinful Boss by Delaney Carolyn

Author:Delaney, Carolyn [Delaney, Carolyn]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 2976413142
Publisher: Pinard House Publishing, LLC
Published: 2023-02-20T18:30:00+00:00



Quinn squeals as she sits in the large first-class seat of the commercial airline. “I’ve never been in first class before!”

Her excitement is infectious and I chuckle. “It’s the only way to fly.”

“Yeah, I bet it is for you, Daddy Warbucks.”

“Who’s that?” I ask.

“Annie… oh, never mind. Why don’t you have your own personal jet, huh?” she teases me.

“We have a helicopter, but the plane was too much. The three of us discussed purchasing a small jet but couldn’t justify the cost for such infrequent trips. The bulk of our business is in Colorado, and if we travel, it’s usually for personal reasons—except this Dallas conference—and figured it would be much more fiscally responsible to fly first class on commercial rather than paying for a pilot, fuel, and insurance on a private jet. Although, they are much more comfortable and dare I say fun to use as a mode of travel.”

“You coulda just said it was too expensive,” I say with a laugh. “That’s a language I sure understand.”

I’m not sure if I love or hate that this woman literally has no filter between her brain and her mouth. “That’s true. I usually don’t even talk this much, but you make me, so in my assessment, that makes this your fault.” I smirk at her.

She throws her head back and laughs. “You are a silly ol’ bird, you know that, Lincoln Silverstone?”

Bird… she’s something else.

“Hot towel?”

We look up to see the flight attendant with long legs and red hair holding a steaming box in her hand.

“No thank you,” I say.

“I’ll take one,” Quinn says.

The redhead uses tongs and hands it to Quinn, who holds it like it’s going to bite her.

“Thanks. Now what am I supposed to do with it?” Quinn asks.

The flight attendant chuckles. “It’s to relax you.”

“You put it on your face,” I whisper to her.

“Oh no. I did my makeup special today for the trip. It’ll get all messed up.” She uses two fingers to hand the towel back to the flight attendant, and I stifle a laugh.

Why didn’t I get to know this silly woman sooner? She’s brought me so many smiles.

Another flight attendant closes the door, and the pilot makes his usual announcement about the weather in Dallas and the flight time.

Once we’re in the sky, Quinn reaches over and grabs my hand, linking her fingers with mine. I look down at the gesture then at her.

“Your hands are soft for a man.”

Is that supposed to be a compliment?

“Um, thank you?”

“Bet you haven’t had to do a lot of physical labor in your life, huh? And I don’t mean that in a bad way. There’s a job out there for everyone.”

I show her my other hand. “I have a callus here from the weight bar at the gym.”

“That must have been excruciating. You poor thing.” She unlinks our hands and grabs my other hand, kissing the callus. “There, all better.”

I look around, and there’s only one other person in first class besides the flight attendant. I grab her good hand and kiss her knuckles in return.


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